Thai Consulate in Penang

Thai Consulate in Penang



I went to the Thai consulate to apply for a Thai visa. It was said that there were always lots of people lining up. Today was Wednesday, also the day before the Malaysia National Independence Day, and tomorrow the consulate will close for the national holiday vacation. There were not many people lining up here. Most of them are Chinese. Malaysians can visit Thailand and stay for 30 days without a Thai visa. 

I chatted with the Chinese in front of and behind me. One was a female who had traveled from Indonesia. She had stayed there for two months. She had taken 200-hour yoga training for teachers for one month. The other was a male who had traveled from Thailand and wanted to stay in Thailand for two more months. 

After applying, the female and I went to the Decathlon nearby. She rode her scooter and I walked. We had drinks and chatted in the mall. She majored in English at University and had worked in Africa for five years. She also quit her job on June, 2023. We nearly started our trips at the same time. And we are the same age. 

I rented a scooter in the afternoon and rode it to a Wednesday night street. My local friend Vozzen came here to meet me. After that he drove me to his office. His car was a Mercedes Benz. He spent lots of time introducing his products to me. His company sells automation robots to other companies. He bought machines from China, and redesigned them to fulfill customers’ requirements. He wanted me to tell him if I had found any interesting automated machines in my upcoming trips. Although he helped me a lot in recommending local interesting places, today I felt he was also using me for his business. I can learn something from his business, but I was tired and sleepy because he kept me at his office until 1am and then drove me back to my hotel. 

Headline image by stevenewilcox on Unsplash