Aging population

Aging population


In many countries, people are now living longer than ever before. Some people say an aging population creates problems for governments. Other people think there are benefits if society has more elderly people.

To what extent do the advantages of having an aging population outweigh the disadvantages?


Thanks to the development of science and technology, nowadays, people live much longer than our ancestors. However, many countries are facing an aging population. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon. Furthermore, I personally believe that its drawbacks can outshine its benefits.

First of all, a society with more senior citizens has some advantages. A common belief is that the main aim of development is to help humans live happier and longer. Governments invest a large amount of money in healthcare in order to increase their citizens' life expectancy. Obviously, most of us do not want to leave this world soon and want to live as long as possible. Moreover, elderly people can benefit society in many ways. They have more knowledge and experience, so they can teach and guide young generations. Furthermore, a country with a large percentage of elderly people tends to have a low rate of crime.

On the other hand, the aging population brings a myriad of problems. First, a country with an aging population suffers huge burdens from healthcare and old-age pensions. It is clear that senior citizens need to go to the hospital more frequently and use more medicine and treatments. Additionally, longer lives means the government has to give its citizens old-age pensions for a longer time. In the future, it is forecasted that in some countries, more than 50% of their population will be older than 65 years old. In other words, one person goes to work to support two people. Second, a higher percentage of elderly people means a lower percentage of working people. The country’s labor force will be less competitive. For instance, China is facing an aging population now. More and more foreign investors move their factories from China to India, Vietnam, or Thailand which have more workers and cheaper labor costs.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that the aging population brings tons of problems and its drawbacks largely outweigh its benefits.