Describe a Bar Chart

Describe a Bar Chart


Hi, I've been practicing writing for the IELTS test lately. Any corrections would be much appreciated.

Thank you so much!


The bar chart provides data about the weekly expenditures of households in a given country in the years 1968 and 2018.

Overall, from 1968 to 2018, the spending on food, fuel and power, clothing and footwear, and personal goods decreased, while the spending on housing, transport, and leisure rose significantly. The expenditure on household goods remained unchanged.

In 1968, households spent most of their income on food, at 35%. However, this number fell dramatically to approximately 17% in 2018. In 1968, clothing and footwear accounted for 10% of the income, however, in 2018, it fell to only 5%. Similarly, the proportion of personal goods and fuel & power decreased from 8% to 4%, and from 6% to 4%, respectively.

In contrast, the spending on leisure rose considerably from 9% to 22% and became the largest expenditure. The percentage of income for housing increased from 10% to 19%. As a result, housing became the second largest spending in 2018. The expenditure on transport also rose from 8% to 14%.