Advantages and Disadvantages of Taking Risks

Advantages and Disadvantages of Taking Risks


It is important for people to take risks, both in their professional lives and their personal lives. Do you think the advantages of taking risks outweigh the disadvantages?


Studies show that in the past, most managers are very hard-working, however, in recent years, most successful people are risk takers. Although taking risks has both benefits and drawbacks, I strongly believe that its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages.

Why should people take risks? First of all, there is an old saying, “High risk, high return". For example: If Steve Jobs or Elon Musk are satisfied with traditional jobs and do not want to invent new technologies, we will not have amazing companies like Apple and Tesla. Challenges force humans to improve and reach a higher goal. Furthermore, if you do not try you will never reach your full potential. For instance, let’s imagine, a student does not want to participate in a competition, because he thinks that there are so many strong competitors and he cannot win the game. He does not want to lose face. However, another student takes this risk. Although his ability is limited now, he spends a lot of time and effort to prepare. Perhaps in the end, he is not successful, however, his knowledge and skills are enhanced and he gets valuable experiences.

Some people would argue that they are not risk-takers because they do not want to pay the price. Their life is totally okay now and they do not want to change it. The risk would ruin their life. Let’s take love as an example. Some people do not want to start a new relationship, because their ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend betrayed them before. Maybe they are safe but they also lose a chance to have a wonderful partner and a happier life.

In conclusion, despite the fact that risky things might bring some consequences. I personally believe that it has a myriad of benefits and we definitely should take risks.