Yma’n gwenton ow tos

Yma’n gwenton ow tos


language learning
daily life

Yma’n gwenton ow tos. My a yll klewes an gwenennow. Howlyek o an myttin ma. My a ygeri fenester y'n chi glas. Yma komolen arta. Martesen y hwra glaw. My a vynn mires orth nebes pellwolok ha dybri nebes li. Which I hope translates as "Spring is coming. I can hear the bees. It was sunny this morning. I opened a window in the greenhouse. It is cloudy again. It might rain. I will go and watch some television and eat some lunch." One of my big frustrations is trying to find all the vocabulary and sentence structures for what I want to say but it is early days yet. The online Cornish translator is not to be trusted. I end up checking everything in the Cornish dictionary but I wish the dictionary had more vocabulary and some example sentences like the Irish Teanglann dictionary does. I am finding doing the Cornish sentences on Clozemaster is getting easier. But I only have a few sentences at mastery level.