Yn yr ardd yr wythnos hon, yn Awstralia, Awst 2023

Yn yr ardd yr wythnos hon, yn Awstralia, Awst 2023


Felly, dim ond wythnos i fynd ac yna bydd hi'n wanwyn.

Mae gan y tomatos, capsicums*, eggplants*, sgwash a phwmpenni eu hail set o ddail. Mae'r cennin pedr yn eu blodau llawn. Mae'r goeden eirin newydd ddechrau dod allan yn ei blodau. Dwi'n meddwl mod i wedi plannu gormod o hadau, eto. Rhoddais gwpl o eginblanhigion tomato i ffrind ddoe. Gelwir y math o domato yn "Blue Ambrosia". Bydd y ffrwyth yn las-ddu ar yr ochr heulog ac oren ar yr ochr gysgodol. Rhoddais fwy o ddail castan ar yr ardal llus ddoe a llenwais sawl pot planhigyn mawr gyda chompost ar gyfer tatws eleni. Yn y cyfamser rydw i'n sychu rhai dail llawryf ger y tân.

*I couldn't find any words in the online dictionary for capsicums and eggplants

What I am trying to say:

So, only one week to go and then it will be spring.

The tomatoes, capsicums, eggplants, squashes and pumpkins have their second set of leaves. The daffodils are in full bloom. The plum tree is just starting to come out in flower. I think I have planted too many seeds, again. I gave a couple of tomato seedlings to a friend yesterday. The type of tomato is called "Blue Ambrosia". The fruit will be blue-black on the sunny side and orange on the shady side. I put more chestnuts leaves on the blueberry area yesterday and I filled several large plant pots with compost for this year's potatoes. In the meantime I am drying some bay leaves near the fire.