A difficulty to master the spoken language!

A difficulty to master the spoken language!


language learning
daily life

The most challenging point was fully understanding the natively spoken language while spending time with my colleagues and friends in the U.S.

I got some new words and phrases when I visited the U.S. It was important to get into the next level in my English conversation skill. I can communicate with my colleagues, friends, shop staff, and daily situations, but I was like I needed to ensure more natural conversation between native speakers.

For example, I could not understand the word "10 bucks" when I heard it the first time. I will listen carefully to surrounding contexts, and I could get it that "10 bucks is 10 dollars".

Also, I heard a lot of "You know what...". I have never used it daily because I just utilize English in the business scene. However, everyone uses this phrase a lot in their conversation.

I have been listening to and watching movies, drama series, and music roughly because I can understand the scenarios and situations even if I cannot pick up whole words. However, I need to learn about sorts of them to speak non-mother language freely. I want be able to achieve mastery of academic, business, casual, and spoken English. Casual and spoken phrases are what I found lacking points. I will try to improve it in English and Frech first.

I guess that every language learner thinks about it. How about you?

Headline image by dbeamer_jpg on Unsplash