How to manufacture sugar from sugar cane

How to manufacture sugar from sugar cane


Hi, I've been practicing writing for the IELTS test lately. Any corrections would be much appreciated. Thank you so much!


The flow chart illustrates how to manufacture sugar from sugar cane.

Overall, there are seven distinct stages in the whole sugar production process, beginning with planting, crushing, separating, and ending with drying.

To begin, sugar cane is planted. It takes 12 to 18 months from planting to harvesting. There are two methods to harvest: the first one is by machines and the second one is by hand. Next, the sugar cane is crushed by a larger machine to make juice. Then, the juice is purified by going through a limestone filter. After that, the purified juice is evaporated by heat and turned into syrup. In the subsequent stage, the syrup is placed into a centrifuge. This machine spins the syrup very quickly so that sugar crystals are separated from the syrup. Following this, the sugar crystals are put into a large bucket and left to dry and cool. Finally, the sugar crystals become sugar.