


In their advertising, businesses nowadays usually emphasize that their products are new in some way. Why is this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?


Nowadays there are a lot of companies and products, which makes the market become more competitive than ever. Companies use several methods, such as advertising, to attract customers and sell more products. In their advertising, companies often claim that their products have a brand-new design, an additional function, or used advanced technology. This essay will discuss the reasons behind this phenomenon and its impacts.

There are some reasons why companies usually emphasize that their products are new. First of all, if companies want to persuade consumers to buy their products, they have to show the products’ unique selling points. Why should customers buy their products instead of thousands of other brands on the market? Therefore, companies have to deliver the message that their goods or services are new and unique in some way, such as design, material, or function. They are different from competitors’ products and the old products of the company. Furthermore, now consumers are very trendy and sensitive to the word “new”. They want to be fashionable and experience new things. Thus, a “new” product is easier to be sold.

This phenomenon has both benefits and drawbacks. Obviously, it helps companies sell more products, increase their revenue, and in general makes the national economy improved. However, in terms of the benefit to customers, there are several disadvantages. First, some products are not really “new”, however, the company has to lie to take money out of customers’ pockets. Second, this type of advertising makes some people change their phones and cars frequently to catch up with the “new” technology. Additionally, these advertisements also encourage consumers to buy several unnecessary things. That means a waste of money and harm to the environment.

In conclusion, this essay examined why companies usually claim that their products are new, and the impacts of this type of advertisement. I strongly believe that its drawbacks largely outweigh its benefits.