Summer Break!

Summer Break!


Enjoying my summer holiday week!

I am relaxing this week; I have been spending my great summer break at home since last Saturday. I had to work for a few days, but it was not a problem 😎.

First, my husband and I watched all the drama series we had recorded during my business trip. And I enjoyed watching some movies on Netflix as well. My dog looks like he is enjoying it, belonging to my side 🐕.

Next, I have been reading closely again the specific book that I skimmed on my flight. Because this book is related to environmental science, my next university course is environmental science.

And then, I create a new objective for a new year! One of the famous artists will visit Japan next earlier year, and I got a ticket to join his show. I can usually understand English conversation, but it is not easy to listen to everything in a loud voice with echoes, depending on the environment. However, I want to make sure all of them if possible. So, I am trying to figure out how to practice these kind of cases. Anyway, it is undoubtedly my funny project.

What about your summer holiday ⛱️?

Headline image by joshrako on Unsplash