ChatGPT in our daily life

ChatGPT in our daily life



I wanted to practice my writing skills, and as always I had no idea of what to write about, so I decided to talk about something different that no one has never talked about: ChatGPT. Do you use ChatGPT in your daily life? I think it is odd how new this is but how many people are already used to it (myself included). I see a lot of people worried about this new technology and what's going to happen from now on, when it gets even more popular and even more inteligente. And I agree that we should make questions about this, and wonder not how it could change our lives, but how it will change our life, because that's for sure that it will change the way we live somehow. But that's not what I want to talk about today. Today I want to share a bit of how ChatGPT changed a bit my life since I started using it.

Whenever I'm stuck at something, something that I can't do, or just when I want to learn something and I don't know how to start, I immediate go to ChatGPT. But I know we should be careful , it can provides a lot of wrong and misleading answers. But something that I relay a lot on ChatGPT is when it comes to studying a language. If you don't like ChatGPT because it can provides wrong answers I still recommend you to try this out when you're learning a language. You can ask it to give you ideas to write or talk about, tell it to ask you questions about a topic that you are studying so you can practice, you can ask it to check if a sentence is correct or not and it will even tell you why is incorrect if there is something wrong with it. There are so many things that ChatGPT could help you with. What I like the most to do is ask it to ask me some questions about a specific topic and I will answer them a loud pretending someone is asking me these questions. That's a really great way of practicing speaking if you don't have someone to talk with.

Anyway, there are a lot more things to talk about how helpful it can be, but that would be a really long text. I know that we can't (and shouldn't) trust everything ChatGPT says, but when we are not using it to give information (like I mentioned in my exemples) it can be a really helpful tool.

Headline image by siva_photography on Unsplash