Gwav yw hwath. Yma hi ow kul glaw y'n pols ma. Ny vynnav vy mos yn-mes an lowarth. My a breder y gortos a-ji hag skrifa. My a yll mires yn-mes ow fenester ogas ow desk ha mires orth an ebron loos. Goslow orth an Black Cockatoos. Kookaburra a wra kavos pryv. Yth esov vy ow kortos rag an vleujyow gwenton.
My notes (what I've managed to work out):
Gwav = winter (masculine noun), Gwavow (plural) whereas Gwenton = Spring (the season at least). Hav = summer and Kynnyav = autumn
Y'n pols ma OR e'n polj ma = at the moment. ow kul glaw = raining
With Ny vynnav vy mos yn-mes an lowarth I was trying to say "I don't want to go outside gardening"
Prederi = to think
Gortos = stay
A-ji = indoors
Yn-mes = outdoors
Ogas = near (as in the vicinity of)
Ow = my but also means "ing" when it comes before a verb.
Desk is cognate in both Cornish and English, the plural is deskys OR deskow
Orth = against or at, possibly also toward
Loos = grey
Pryv = worm
Kortos is the same as Gortos, meaning to stay or to wait. Rag = for, as in 'to wait for'.
Bleujyow, an vleujyow = flowers, the flowers.