#83 Daily Update

#83 Daily Update


language learning
daily life

This is my first attempt at learning a foreign language on my own, and I'll provide you with daily updates on how it goes! Here are my introduction and plan.

Feeling: curious

I made some small changes to my "study hour". It was mainly to bring some clarity to my studying. I won't detail them here, because it's boring and unnecessary. But if you want I'll post it.

I'm not sure if it made things easier or not. I'm adjusting. Let's see how it goes. In general, the plan is complete.

I'm not sure if I'll have time or mental energy to study in the next three days. Even if it's in the morning. The good news is, after that my schedule is about to get a bit better.

I'm planning to start responding to comments (FINALLY). I see and appreciate every comment. I owe so much to you, guys.💙

Especially to you, JG🙂