


language learning
language exchanges
daily life

Hello everyone!

It's been a while since I have written something down. In my way of thinking, the problem of not posting is having lack of ideas to write about. Nevertheless. today I've had an epiphany to write a new post and I've decided to touch on the subject that I believe might improve your English and, on top of that, it's the best way to increase your productivity.

I've been struggling with keeping a journal for a long time and I still don't keep it. Every time I try to find any excuses in order to not to do this, since I can't help thinking about one thing. I would always think that someday I would just run out of ideas to write about and I would give up keeping a journal. I'm inclined to think it might make me not interested and bored. I've watched an awful lot of videos about journaling on YouTube and everyone talked to write about your day. However it would be quite boring and bizarre to write about the same stuff everyday, since my days do not differ at all .It would be much easier to write about my day if I had something new happens every day.

I believe that I've chosen the best way to express myself instead of keeping a journal and I'm talking about this website right now. I can improve my English writing way faster than If I would keep a journal, since people can point out my mistakes. So, the more mistakes I do, the more knowledge I acquire. Keeping a journal doesn't give you a feedback as this website.
