This is my first attempt at learning a foreign language on my own, and I'll provide you with daily updates on how it goes! Here are my introduction and plan.
Feeling: good
Everything went smoothly this morning. It was so peacful and quite, so it's definitely a bonus😊🍵
In general, I did everything as planned grammar wise and listened to a podcast. But vocabulary situation still confuses me a bit. Studying chucks instead of words helps a lot, but I kind of forget to review them and I can't choose where to study from.
The first problem will resolve itself with time. I had the same issue while learning English, I just need to get used to the new language.
The second problem... I'll think about this right now.
Hi @Vanutka - Nice Post!
Problem 1. An SRS (Spaced Repetition System) is what I use. Anki is free and very good.
Problem 2: Look for a "theme-based dictionary". They have tons of topics and you can pick whatever section is most relevant to you.