Remote Sensing and Palm tree killer

Remote Sensing and Palm tree killer


My Canadian correspondent in Toronto advised me to write on journaly.comme.Italie is to improve my writing in English. I chose an subject. It is about my new interest in " remote sensing". I read about an information in an article from " Belgian Eatth Observation". I think it is very interesting.The article n'améliore is " projet STEREO III PALMWATCH -Red Palm weevil infection detection with Remote Sensing".

What is it ? It's a story about an insectes, it' s name is" Red weevil" and about palm trees. Palm trees are attacked by it. And it is very big problème because palm tree are used for lot of usage. It is economical and environnemental problème.

With Remote Sensing we can help palm trees. How?

It's necessary to Know where are palm trees and which is ill?

There is three steps:

1. with Remote Sensing you check a big zone with satellite and aerial picture. You can use a logiciel.If you want this logiciel can sélected palm trees you entraine him before. You selected palm trees in pictures and you send him the data. After you can have à cartographie of palm trees.

2. .You identified palm trees are ill when you used drone thermal imaging because palm trees ill and healthy have not the same temperature. If the sheet heats up, it doesn't cool down because it doesn 't perspire ( water evaporation).

3. It's possible to help palm trees before are dead with some treatments.