[short writing task] TV and Movies

[short writing task] TV and Movies


language learning
language exchanges
daily life
tv shows

I am doing some short Writing tasks to familiarise myself again with using English.

It's very conventional and so are the topics but I am very rusty and it's perfect to "put myself in the bath" again.

Here is today's topic:

Which movies did you find or TV shows did you GET INTO (start liking) in 2020? Who GOT you INTO them?

In 2020, I got into 2 animes that are rather popular in Japan (and a good number of other countries as well!):

The first one is "Haikyuu".

The manga version has been selling quite well for several years, but I never took the time to stop and read it. Then last summer, when I was stuck at home because of you-know-what, I was going through the list of shows that I could have access to for free on Amazon Prime. And here it was! Free up to the end of season 2! And that was the start of a renewed passion for Volleyball (from the comfort of my sofa of course).

Haikyuu is a manga turned into an anime. It follows a young boy who has a passion for Volleyball and his adventures as he enters a highschool famous for its Volleyball team. He of course, tries to get a position on the team, and strives to become the best attacker (spiker) ever!

Haikyuu is your typical sports-centered manga/anime: the storyline is pretty simple but the characters' passion for their sport and the detailed animation moves do make up for the background story (which, let's be honest, isn't really the important point here: just lay back and feel the burning hearts of the protagonists!).

The second show I got into is the famous "Kimetsu no yaiba", aka "Demon Slayer".

The story is set in early 20th century Japan, and follows a young boy as he loses his family to some demons. Those demons behave very much like vampires, as they prey on humans, take their blood and gain energy from it, leaving the bitten people either dead or infected into decoming demons themselves.

The hero starts on a quest to get revenge on the demon who attacked his family, and to find a way to save his sister, sole survivor of the attack who is turning into a demon.

This manga/anime was THE topic of the year in Japan, after it-that-should-not-be-named. The comic book just finished but the animation is still ongoing. One part of the story was adapted for the big screen, and since close to no other films were shown in cinemas last autumn, the film broke all records of cinema entries in the history of Japan!

It sold even more than Titanic! And most people who have never read or watched Demon Slayer know the names of the protagonists!

I think you could even call it a society phenomenom (?) here. There are very few shops that do not sell a little something related to the anime or film. It is literally crazy. I, of course, being a sensible girl, restrained myself into buying only a key holder and a super cool hoodie!

Have any of you watched these animes?