Da yw genev

Da yw genev


language learning

Da yw genev bleujyow

Da yw genev lowartha

Da yw genev mires orth an ydhyn y’m lowarth

Da yw genev an ebron war-lergh glaw

Da yw genev choklet pur dhubh

Da yw genev bro howlleskys

Da yw genev arysyow* glas

Da yw genev kosow skeusek

Da yw genev an ergh war an menydh

My notes:

Da yw genev = I like, I'm not sure of the literal translation but it looks like 'it is good with me'

Bleujyow = flowers

Lowarth = garden. I think if I am reading the dictionary right Lowartha means gardening.

Edhen = bird, ydhyn = birds

War-lergh = after, ebron = sky, glaw = rain

Bro = land, howlleskys = sunburnt. I'm not sure how to say 'a land of rock and scrub.'

There are two words for shady in the dictionary skeusek and skeusek, I'm not sure which is best or why. Equally, forests could be kosow or koswigow

Ergh = snow

War = on

Menydh = mountain

* There's a lot of different words for field in the dictionary. Arysyow seems to mean arable fields. https://www.cornishdictionary.org.uk/?locale=en#field

Headline image by joannakosinska on Unsplash