The Okmanens 11: The Yusheras

The Okmanens 11: The Yusheras


FY and YF are back in the show, now chances are running low for the runaways. FY is the Okmanens’s scientist. He knows everything about chemistry, physics, biology, mythology, history, maths and useless stuff. YF is the hit man. They had got something really bad in the runaways’ way.

Meanwhile, the five brave people are feeling really bored after a few days of camping and cup noodles. And finally Zack said, ‘Can’t we just sell some stuff and try to buy some other food? These cup noodles are making me sick.’ ‘That is because you are always choosing the same flavor, idiot.’ said Peter, also feeling queasy. Suddenly, the earth cracked open. A giant Tyrannosaurus leaped out of a crack and onto the solid ground. When I say giant, I mean skyscraper size. It charged and breathed fire. They barely missed the jet of fire, but all the cup noodles in the bag were cooked. Peter threw a tiny ball. It was the magic car! (Actually, he just remembered that he had it). The ball turned into a car and the car turned into a giant robot. It fought with the great Godzilla-dino. The magic car won and the dinosaur collapsed roaring in alien dinosaur language, ‘It’s not fair! He can shoot two jets of fire!’ They continued the journey on the magic car.

Later, they entered a forest and smashed quite a lot of trees. Suddenly, a bunch of people in loincloths came out holding spears. Peter reckoned that they can’t harm the magic car. Just as he was thinking, the person is front waved it’s spear and shot a meteor into the sky. After 16.985 seconds, it came back down on top of the car. The car must be thinking ‘Oww! Let me rest a bit!’. Then it made the people inside pop out. The loincloth people soon captured them, but they said, ‘We are the Yushera. We were amazed how you fought that alien dinosaur. I wish you can join us to fight the okmanens.’

Headline image by albrrt on Unsplash