The Way I Practice Pronunciation

The Way I Practice Pronunciation


language learning

Today I want to share with you my routine for practicing pronunciation.

I think that this system is more useful after you've learned symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet of your target language.

First of all, I clarify what I want to pronounce. I usually choose sentences for everyday situations.

The second step is to find similar sentences at Forvo. This is an app in which natives record their audios, and you can listen or download them.

Then, I practice the sentence. If it's necessary, I check the IPA pronunciation for each word. I try to vary the speed, tone, articulation, stress accent until I feel satisfied.

After that, I record my voice at HiNative. I find this to be very useful, since natives can give feedback and record their audios.

Finally, I create pronunciation flashcards on Anki by adding in the front card the sentence, and native's pronunciation in the back of the card. I use the anki tool "voice recording" in order to compare my voice audio to the native's pronunciation.

Headline image by meymigrou on Unsplash