A complaint

A complaint


daily life

1234 Roses Avenue

Bristol, England

July 07, 2013

Purple Building

1234 west street

Bristol, England

To whom it may concern:

I have had your internet service since 2010 and everything about service has been good for several months.

However for last three months my connection has had too much problems is difficult to join in my online lessons, sometimes internet is slow and another times is scrambing this has been terrible to me.

On the another hand I had troubles paying the check; when I was paying on line my bills comunication was over, that is unacceptable for any customer, now I can not find my money so the bank do not answer me for.

Last week I called you, searching help around connection service so someone answered and told me that I had to wait for 30 days more, so someone could not go to my apartment soon.

This situation is unacceptable and inconsiderate of myself.

I have always to recommended you with relatives, friends and collegues; but It makes me feel insatisfied about service and what important in the client for the company, as well woman who answered me was disrespecful and impolite whith my complaint; she told me "We do not have enought engineers available to help you"

Could you please send someone to check the connection problem at home in the less possible time.

Is imperative to return my lessons online is almost final of term.



Headline image by homajob on Unsplash