


daily life

Since 2017, my job began being really productive for me.

I worked hard for 5 years as a commercial advisor to get my promotion, when that finally happened, I felt grateful for everything; however, my battle only was starting.

It is complicated entering into management with your partners, earning their trust and doing what themselves may work for my goal.

It was the hugest challenge, the first year I was working in my leadership with each one of them, supporting and encouranging each salesperson.

On the another hand some of them did not follow my strategies or they were irresponsible about it, so I made some changes into the team in fact is always good, aerate the group with new talents.

The first year I felt that I could not do it, many times I touched my own frustration whereas I looked strong but I felt hopeless inside.

However I began saving money to my apartment, I did not have to much only neccesary to live well.

On July 2017, everything changed. It was the first time that I reached my goal, in effect I earned my first bonus as a leader.

I was really happy like hardworking and proud of mysef.

To sum up, I believe that the first year is the most defiant then I needed discipline, vision, decision and resilience.

Every first year always will be a challenge.

Headline image by towfiqu999999 on Unsplash