A (Not So) Bright Future

A (Not So) Bright Future


What will you do when a robot steal your job? Will you blame nerds who once started that AI thing? Will you begin a rebellion against machines? Though both options might seem tempting, most likely you’ll try to learn new skills and find a new job.

Don’t listen to luddites who predict the end of the human era. When old jobs disappear because of technological revolution, new ones emerge. The only question is will you be able to play by new rules.

Adult learning must be growing thing these days. It should be. It seems to me that “never stop learning” is becoming a rule number one for any responsible adult. Maybe one day we’ll have some kind of universal basic income and a hell of a lot of free time which we’ll have no idea how to pass. But today we have to learn new skills and hope for the best.

We’ll always have an option of nice little war against machines after all. Feels like I’ve already started mine by trying to fix all MS Word’s autocorrects. Stupid machine.