I take a crazy challenge - Am I ready for read literature in english?

I take a crazy challenge - Am I ready for read literature in english?



I had a crazy idea a few days before now. It will posible that I achieve read real literature in english? I do not mean to read those books adapted for languages learner, I meant really literature. I chose a book call "Never let Me go" by Kazuo Ishiguro.....and... Already have a half book read it, I do not believe that I could make it, I am very proud for do it.


My estrategy:

-I have got two e-books, one it is the original in english, and then I have a spanish version, and I have got the audiobook. With these elements I could read in spanish first for comprehension, then I read the same chapter in english, and then I read it again while I listen the same chapter in audiobook. I use Amazing Slow Dowloader for dowload speed and practicing my pronunciation, I traing to make a mimic that I listen.