In the lecture,people purposed out three perspectives against the three solutions that the reading part has mentioned.Firstly they think to reduce the salinity of the lake by pumping water into the desalination facilities and evaporating it into salt-free water and dissolved matters is not safe enough.Because excepting salt,there are other toxic chemicals dissolved in water and when they're separated from water and spread around by wind.People live around the area will be impacted negatively.Secondly they suggest that building pipelines or canals to bring the low salinity water to the lake to dilute the water is too expensive and government might don't have enough resources to implement it.Last but not least,they cast their doubt to the method of constructing walls to separate the lake into several sections and allow some of them to be high salinity then only focus on keeping main sections in the state of low salinity.They concern that the frequent geological activities such as earthquake will make this plan not sustainable enough in the long run.
By considering all of above factors,they got the conclusion that it's not realistic to reduce salinity of the Salton Sea in these three ways