A word on this weekend

A word on this weekend


Hi guys!

didn't I was having a problem with my computer and I fixed it just a few minutes ago, so that is the reason I haven't written anything for the last couple of days, but I am back now and I just wanted to talk a little bit about the plans for this week.

First of all, I am a Christian girl and I go to church every week. Also, I am part of the worship team there, therefore I've been rehearsing seven songs for this weeekend, because we are having a "foreign" preacher and there will be a different service on Sunday. In addition to that, I have a play to perform and I am very anxious about it, so I looked up specific things to help me deal with it and I found that walking is a great tool for anxiety relief, so I have been walking at night for 30 minutes every day.

Today, I will visit my sister and I think I am going to sleep there. WE ARE HAVING ICE CREAM!!!!!

I missed writing in here and I hope to hear from you guys soon.