Morning leaner

Morning leaner


daily life

Working on a university assignment in the morning time is my favorite pattern!

Past 2 weeks, I worked on my university assignment to complete a learning partner project with my peer. We had a different lifestyle, and we had to do everything online 🛜. Also, we have a time difference a little bit. So, it was not easy to finish it rapidly. However, it was a lovely time to collaborate with together.

Also, I used my morning time to prepare the writing, and I wrote the essay in the past 2 days. I am an early bird 🕊️, so my brain is super refreshed, and my feeling is also good before 8:00 AM. I definitely feel that my most productive time is between 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM before having breakfast 🍳.

When I do the workout or walk, I usually do it at 5:30 AM. In particular, I could feel a beautiful feeling from nature when walking early in the morning. I love it ❤️.

Which time zone do you like to do productive work 🖥️?


Headline image by anshu18 on Unsplash