CAE Cambridge exam - Writing task 4

CAE Cambridge exam - Writing task 4


language learning
intercultural communication
international relations

Hi everyone!

I'm preparing for the C1 Cambridge exam so I'm practicing writing. I would like you to assess this one, please. The exercise is about discussing the experience of working in an international hotel chain. The report should deal with the the tasks and activities I participated in, problems with the programme and recommendations for two improvements for future programmes, in 220-260 words.

This is what I've written. I'd really appreciate your feedback and corrections. Thank you :)



The aim of this report is to comment on my experience working inside the programme “Five stars”. Two months ago, I began working in a luxury hotel in the east coast of Spain. Although it was my first time as an employee and it was just for one month, working face-to-face with clients in such a prestigious hotel was a very rewarding and useful experience.

My roles

The programme was divided in two different parts. Each one consisted of 15-days periods, in which the trainees rotated for the different departments in the hotel. Firstly, I started helping in the canteen, organizing the staff and their distribution in the room as well as working in cleaning tasks when the service finished. Then, I got some expereince as a recepcionist. Mainly, I was the responsible for answering our client’s telephone calls and welcoming them in their arrivals.

Some problems

Despite I had a great experience, I also had to deal with certain difficulties and some unpredictable situations. I woud have like having someone who guide me and support me when I did not know what to do and how to be helpful for the workforce in the hotel. Besides, I had some trouble to communicate with non-English speakers.


I would say that this programme was well designed and appropiate for people with few or no experience. Nevertheless, I personally believe that it may offer the option of choosing more than one location where working during that month, and also make the trainees get some feedback.
