How does a man transform from a beggar to a billionaire

How does a man transform from a beggar to a billionaire


Once upon a time, there was a beggar named Joe. He always sat on the riverbank, begging for food. Of course, he could only earn a few dollars a day.

One day, Joe was sitting on the riverbank as usual. He was feeling really hungry, but he saw something nice for a beggar like him. There was a big, fresh fish swimming in the river. It looked very slow and tired. Joe’s reflexes told him to grab that fish, and that’s what he did. This fish would totally change his life, as you will see later.

He carried that fish to a restaurant immediately and asked the chef if he wanted the fish. The chef checked the fish and nodded. Since the fish was big, the chef gave Joe 150$ for it. Then, Joe bought a bunch of lemons and some cheap paper cups. He still had 70$ left. Next, he found a lemonade stand, paid the owner and asked if he could borrow the stand for an hour or two. The owner happily agreed. Joe moved the stand to the park and started making lemonade. The day was hot, and everyone needed some refreshing lemonade. Soon, there was a long line of people in front of Joe’s stand. After the lemons were used up, Joe had 250$ in total.

He went to a bait shop and bought some cheap fishing equipments. Since he always begged by the river, he knew how to fish pretty well. He fished for the whole afternoon and got a basket of fish. He went to a different restaurant and repeated what he did in the first restaurant. This time, he got 750$. That night, he rented a tiny room and had a good night’s sleep.

The next day, he went back to the riverbank and met a fisherman. Joe asked him if he could borrow his boat, and promised to pay 100$ back. The fisherman agreed. After that, Joe went back to the bait shop and bought a net. Then, he went catching fish on the boat. As I said, Joe was familiar with the stuff at the river. Soon, he caught a boatload of fish. He sold them all at restaurants and got 1250$. He rented a tiny little cottage and slept with a nice dream.

Here comes a turning point of his life.

After a few days of catching fish, he had earned 13370$ and lived a quiet normal life in his cottage. But soon, a surprising news came. Somebody discovered gold under a hill called Banana’s Hill! Joe was happy. The hill was near his cottage! He spent a fortune on machines and a digging team. He was the first person to actually DIG gold from the hill! The news wasn’t fake. Joe got pretty rich. 3,667,098$ for exact. He became a millionaire!

After that, He bought a house and a car. He also started a company that digs valuable stuff, catches fish, and sells the BEST bottled lemonade. This was actually very smart. No matter which category fails to make money, the other two will always help out. The name is smart too: Golden Grouper Lemonades, or GGL.

Here comes another smart move.

Joe did a lot of googling and got two results. First, the best temperature for growing lemons is 21 to 25 degrees Celsius, so he fixed some air-conditioning to the gardens. Second, he reckoned that plants would grow better in space*. Technology is improving, so a space trip won’t cost something like ten billion. Soon, a spaceship of lemons were sent to space!

The results were out. It was huge, sweet lemons! The lemonade made from these lemons were like soda! In no time, the soda-flavored lemonade filled the shops, and people found it really tasty! This invention made him devilish rich, and yes, he’s finally a billionaire!


If you meet him now, he is still thinking more ways to earn money and getting richer and richer. He is a genius.


*This is true.