World Chess Championship Game 13!!!

World Chess Championship Game 13!!!


daily life

Hi Guys!

A few days ago I wrote a text here about the world chess championship, and I said some informations about the match and also about the players.

Today was the 13 game of 14 games, and the biggest moment of this match so far wasn't today, but yestesrday in the game 12.

Nepo was leading the match by 6-5, and yesterday he was playing with black pieces, and if he had won that game he would probably already be the winner of the tournament and become a world chess champion.

And to my surprise he managed to get a much better position in that game, and he was totally winning, but he missed a critical move and he was from totally winning to totally losing the game.

As I said in my previous text, the biggest problem with Nepo's playing style is because sometimes in critical moments he doesn't take his time to find the right/best move, he just plays the first move that comes to his mind.

There was a time in the last year where Magnus Carlsen was commentating a chess game where Nepo played a very bad move in a short time, so Carlsen said: "He's being his true self; Playing poorly moves quickly". And the whole chess community agree with that statement.

If he had taken his time he would've won the championship.

Ding ended winning the game, and evening out the match by 6-6.

During the final moments of the game Nepo was so pissed that he spend the rest of his time only lamenting about his poor choice, and to be honest he was almost crying with his facial expressions.

In today's game Nepo played with white pieces, and I thought he'd just try to draw the game and go to the final game with black pieces. And so he did.

Saturday can be the last game of this match, whoever wins the game will be, and if the games ends in a draw they are going to play 4 rapid games to decided who's the winner.

I hope Nepo will try to play simple and just make a draw, instead of trying to win as black and end up losing the match.