The Surprise of Trying

The Surprise of Trying


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I'm the type of person who has to try things on my own to find out if I like them or not. I prefer to have my criteria. Thus I have had many uncomfortable experiences or "estrelladas", as we would say in my country. Normally, many of them are worse than others; some have left me feeling so bad that I just wanted to stay in bed, between the sheets all day. There are others that, despite being bad, I could only laugh after having tried them. They made me go, "Oh, so this is not my thing".

And don't get me wrong, I know there are things where just because they don't turn out the first time doesn't mean they're not your thing, however, the experiences I'm talking about were the type that I knew once I tried them.

Looking at it generally, when I'm over all that, I can only say that it's funny. It's fun to have those kinds of surprises. Believing that you are going to like something and that it is not, or realizing that you don't or you do, and feeling good for having tried it. You should also feel good about trying it even if it didn't turn out the way you expected; it is better to know than to be left with doubt about what it would be like.

The best surprise of all is when you try something you didn't think you'd like or were afraid to try. You feel good for taking the risk of doing something you didn't think you were capable of.

For this reason, I like to try more and more. It's a box of surprises, you don't know how it will turn out until you try it.