After backpacking for 6 months

After backpacking for 6 months



Hi, there,

I hardly remember this place, and it reminds me of the fear I had last year.

Yes, I came back to my hometown after backpacking for nearly six months. I've been to 16 countries, some of which were not on my list beforehead, but I visited some wonderful places in the world. During the journey, I am grateful that I am safe and sound and unharmed. Why did I say that? Because I've been through some bad things on the trip, some things in particular might be a little bit horrible to tell you I am quite thankful that everything became a part of my travel stories.

The biggest lesson I've learned from this journey is that I am no longer afraid of anything, in other words, I believe that I can find a solution to sort the obstacles out.

Headline image by linaverovaya on Unsplash