If you fail to plan, you plan to fail ... the laundry day

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail ... the laundry day


language learning
daily life

I needed to wash my clothes. I was aware that here is not recommended to do the laundry on Sundays, but I was not expecting to schedule the day and time for doing that. In Mexico I used to wash my clothes whenever I need it. No worries at all. I notice that planning is super important here. But not only planning your work activities or duties, but also your leisure time. The good thing is that the system helps you to be organized. Our jobs allow us to choose two work-from-home days. So, now Wednesday mornings have become laundry days, Fridays are for shopping the groceries, and Sundays for hiking or going to Museums.

It can sound boring planning every aspect of your life, leaving all spontaneity behind. But actually, planning helps me to relax and to avoid the feeling of guilty after I have failed to do something important (but simple) because of my lack of planning. And that reminds me of a phrase I heard in the movie King Richard: if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

PD: For the moment, I had to go to a place with self-service washing machines (is there a name for those places?)