About myself

About myself


daily life

Good morning to everyone especially to my new language partner Louis. We negotiated to share our thoughts here about any topics to improve the writing skill. Our first topic is to write about yourself. Here is my story in a nutshell.

I was born in a little city in the middle of european part of Russia. The name of my tiny town is Neftekasmsk. I had been living here for 18 years and then I moved out to Kazan to study in an university. Unfortunately I was suspended from the university but I wasn't upset at all because I was given the opportunity to work in the USA from May to September in 2014 and in 2015. To be honest it was the main reason why I was kicked out from the university. I strongly beleive that the trip to the US gave me more experience and knowledges than the university. But don't worry, when I came back from the US I got my bachelor degree in another university in my town.

After the graduation I worked as a cook and receptionist in a hotel. It may looks weird considering that my degree is economic. But it's life you will never know where you will be. It was an excellent experience working on those positions and there are many crazy stories in particular from the hotel. Hopefully I will write about them if we have relevant topic to discuss. In 2019 I decided to tryworking on a cruise ship. Actually it is a separate topic about my awful experience on the ship. And now I work as an accountant for my father and I have a night remote job as well. I work for the US insurance company as an agent assistant.

Let's talk about my personality and hobbies. I consider myself as a non-conflict, kind and generous person. Sometimes I can be grumpy and I am working on it to get rid of this harmful habbit. I am fond of languages. Apart from english I am learning french. I have been learning it for 5 years and beleive me it's way more harder than english. My another useful habbit is sport. I do thriatlon. My friends is telling me I am crazy because according to their opinion it's hard to alternate swimming, riding on bicycle and running without any break.

That is my short story. Thank you for your attention!