



This week has been a whole introspective journey. So I will share some personal challenges.

I am a psychologist and that can be a good thing for sharing some tools with your family and friends, but also it can be a whole challenge about setting boundaries.

Lately, I realized that my family was sharing many stories about their life with me, and looking for me, but only when they needed some help to handle some problems. As a psychologist, hardly addicted to drama and giving help, I have always been there. I am not allowed to be their psychologist; so I have just shared some tools that may help them and I have been listening.

However, this became a problem when I realized that they started to call just for drama and help. They stopped to ask how I was, or Just for fun, and our whole relationship became a therapy session. So, the last week I set some boundaries and let them know that I would be openning just for nice stories, and fun conversations. And guess what? They did not call this week.

The good thing about this was that I get to be focus on my stuff. I came back to English, to my books and all my own business, and I could feel so much more energy than I was before.

So just a piece of good advice: Help as much as you can but don't forget to take care of yourself and set some boundaries. Nice weekend!!!

By the way, I am loving so much this website.

Headline image by philberndt on Unsplash