The two-body problem in academia

The two-body problem in academia


language learning
daily life

I recently moved to Vienna and found a new job. I left my job in Mexico, where I was a professor/researcher in a private university. The main reason for this decision is that I'm in this situation called the "two-body problem". What is that? In physics, it means the problem of determining the trajectories of two interacting objects. For example, the moon and an artificial satellite, or two electrical particles (one electron and one proton). Calculating the trajectories is not straighforward. So, when two professors/researchers are married (or formed a couple), the "two-body problem" refers to the difficulty of finding a job in academia for both (the ideal situation is that both find a job in the same university). It happens to me that, I was a full-time professor and my wife had a postdoc position. A postdoc position means that one has to do research (maybe also teaching), but it is not a permanent job, it depends on the available fundings. I think that a postdoc in Mexico is not well-paid and the amount of work is too stressfull. So, we always had the idea of finding a place where both were happy with our jobs.

So, my wife got a job in the University of Vienna. It's also a postdoc position, but the working conditions here are much better. We decided to move and I opted for finding a new job. Fortunately, I have found a job, as well as a postdoc, in the same university. In conclusion, both we'll be postdocs in the same university (although in different departments). So far, everything goes well...