Trying to learn German

Trying to learn German


language learning

I come back! Long time ago I hadn't written something in this website. So my last post was about fears I had when I started to live in San Francisco. Well now I'm living in Bogotá, Colombia. After a year in San Francisco I learned a lot there. I could drive across the Golden Gate Bridge and to go to others cities. I took driving lessons with a professional teacher for 4 days and after that I started to drive alone. Everthing takes time and practice.

After a year of being an Au Pair in San Francisco I came back to Colombia. I travel a little bit across my country. I went to Medellín, Villavicencio, some parts of El Llano and also my home city Popayán. I got a job in Bogotá and I moved alone. So living alone was new for me. I always lived with my family and as an Au pair you live with your host family. So then I was again withouth friends and withouth family around. I have two friends for university who live here too but they already have couples and they are busy almost always. How to make friends in a big city? I tried with Bumble, I just met two girls there after many months and now I just talk sometimes with one of them.

I really enjoy learning new things. If it's new I'm always excited. And in my life plan I want to study my master's degree abroad. So what about learning German in an institut. I though it can be a good idea. Lerning something new, be able to meet new people, potential friends and learn German was in my plans.

Well now I'm taking German classes in an Institut in Bogotá. I met some friends but all of us seem to be busy almost always. Sometimes I want to quit, German is challenging for me. Many rules, some of them so strange, for example, there are verbs which are split in two parts and one part has to be always at the end of the sentence. They use Sie, sie and sie for "she, you and they". Also they have the equivalent to "vosotros" in Spanish from Spain, in Latin América, at least in Colombia we don't use it at all. Ahhh a very challenge language. Now I think English is quite easy. I have to keep studying English to avoid forgetting what I learned in San Francisco. At least in my case if I don't practice I lost a lot of vocabulary and I started to make a lot of small mistakes.

If someone lives in Bogota we can be friends! If someone speaks German and want to practice Spanish we can try doing calls.

Have a good day and thanks in advance for reading this post and correct me,

