Moving to Prague

Moving to Prague


language learning

I will move to Prague at the end of the month. I got a job there as software developer. To be honest, I am not good with writing and also not good with languages. I think my best traits (or perk, perhaps skill. I don't know which is the best word) is that I make shamelessly errors. My bad pronunciation give joy to my friends for years. I am not against it but in a professional environment it is a big no-no. So my two short goal is to improve my English as fast as possible and to learn Czech at least base level.

Both goal is really big at very intimidating. I can be very lazy and I know from experience that motivation is a cruel mistress (I would like to write unfaithful b*tch but I try to swear less). So I try the magical promise of the accountability. From now I try to write some lines here regularly about my journey to a different city and to learn a whole new and very different language.

Most important is the clear goals: write a least two paragraph, coherent entry in Czech until end of may.


  • write every day something (possible to skip a day but after that I must write something on the following two days)
  • theme should be about the language learning or the moving
  • I must write a paragraph with at least two sentences.
  • I must write something weekly in Czech (after the first month of learning)

I don't have a clear picture about my English study. I think about it and try to find some ways to improve my grammar and pronunciation. Writing sure helps but don't solve the bigger problem.