Trying new stuff

Trying new stuff


language exchanges
daily life

Hello everyone,

I watched Robin's new video yesterday. Ever since that, I started to (re)think about my projects and things that I want to achieve at some point in my life.

Since I started to get very deep into language learning, I realized it is extremely life-changing for me. Personally, I am sure there is a magical point in diving into something by yourself, and not sharing it with your ordinary bubble. It is not that I do not want to share it with my friends or family, but I really think that doing something on your own is an extraordinary experience in life.

If you are trying things that way, you will need to find your own path, and you will for forced (in a good way) to make your own connections and discoveries. Of course, it might be hard sometimes, and you will probably feel frustrated. Maybe you will think you cannot achieve your goals in case you are not the best at it.

This year I felt frustrated with my English level, and I thought about focusing only on this language. By now, It is been almost a month that I am trying this approach and now I can tell you, for me, it is not worth it. I love to learn random/multiple stuff and explore new things. As Robin said in his video, there is nothing wrong with doing multiple things at once in your life. Trying to fit in this common sense of doing one thing at a time does not work for everybody, and it is okay!

In our lives, we are always trying to fit into social patterns that are not necessarily good for us. Maybe people will judge you by calling you crazy for enjoying doing multiple things at once. Life is way too short to care about negative random opinions in your personal life and passions. If you are not doing any harm to other people you should definitely follow whatever you want and not care about what people will say about it.

2021 is a year that I will try to do not to care about negative opinions that I cared about in the past. It is a year of mental clarity and personal development. It is not easy to be out of your bubble, but knowing that you can do, it is a great step forward.

Have you watched Robin’s video? Let me know what you think about it.

See you in the comments.
