Русские язычковные инструменты

Русские язычковные инструменты


language learning

Русские язычковные инструмениы

This post says Russian, but the explanations will be in English, because I found really nice Russian language tools that have been helping me with my learning. :)

Словари (Dictionaries)

Open Russian : Russian English Dictionary and declension/conjugation tool that allows you to search with a conjugated/declined form of a word and it'll bring you to the root.

Kartaslov : a Russian monolingual dictionary where you can search by the conjugated/declined word to the root. Also has lots of example sentences and more explanations of words than Open Russian.

The Russian Dictionary Tree : another declension tool, that also gives some basic definitions.

Дикция (Diction)

Not to be confused with dictionaries, these are for practicing pronunciation and intonation, and sounding clearer in the language. There's some cool tools that help with this in Russian like

Russian Gram : a tool that allows you to copy/paste Russian text in, and then it automatically marks the stress for you! Great for reciting paragraphs with long and tricky words and phrases out loud. : a tool that breaks down Russian words into their respective syllables. You can either break down a single word, or insert in a longer text to separate out the syllables. The longer text tool does not appear to work correctly if you paste in text with the stress accents added though.

There are some more tools too, but these are the ones I've been using recently that have helped a lot.))


Headline image by yer_a_wizard on Unsplash