Book 1

Book 1




I love reading books! I used to read mostly e-books, but these days, I don't know why, but I want to read nothing, but paper books. On December I have found one really beautiful book and it had good reviews, so I decided to buy it. The name of the book is "Nevernight". I have bought an Ukrainian edition. I wanted to read it so much, but I had to wait until my parents sent it to me and after that I wanted to finish reading a book which I was reading during that days. So finally I had book in my hands and could read it and I was so disappointed! The translation was so terrible! The translator decided that it was a good idea to put a lot of words which are not commonly used in real life and in eddition she messed up with the grammar a lot. Firstly, I just thought that the problem was that I hadn't read so much in Ukrainian, but then my friend tried to read it (her job is related to Ukrainian language) and she found a lot of mistakes in the translation.

But the problem wasn't only in the translation. The book was written bedly. It was about assassins, but fight scenes were flat. A lot of curse words, jokes about menstruation and "balls". In one scene main charecters were on horses and in one moment "she jumped into a cart to him." But how much the author enjoyed the killing scences... They were the most detailed scenes! The author told us from the beginning that he wanted to write real killing scenes, but it would be okay if everything else were good written too. And have I told you that the book was young adult?! :)

And it also had notes on some pages which could take even the half of a page. These notes were useless and distructed from the plot.

So sadly, but I couldn't finish the book :(

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Headline image by sincerelymedia on Unsplash