Motivation Letter

Motivation Letter


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Hello everyone, in my last post, I mentioned that I am in the process of applying for a scholarship to study in Germany. Another document that I have to submit is a motivation letter. Before sending it, I would appreciate it if a native speaker could correct it for me. Here it is:

I decided to apply for this scholarship because as a student of a Mechanical Engineering diploma, studying in Germany is a great opportunity to complement my studies, since universities in Germany are among the best in the world and have research groups with high quality facilities, in which topics of great contribution to society are researched. In addition, I am very interested in being part of a cultural exchange, which I consider a crucial aspect of personal growth and development.

I have always been interested in the field of mechanics, I graduated in the secondary school as an Aeronautical Technician and after that I entered to the university to study a five-year degree in Mechanical engineering, in which I am now on the final year and approved 33 out of 43 subjects. I plan to finish my studies one year after I come back from Germany, in 2025.

After I graduate, my goal is to work on the design of thermal machines, such as heat exchangers, boilers, turbines or HVAC systems. Saving energy by making all those machines the most thermal efficient as possible is a great way to help combat global warming and the energy crisis facing the world.

Attending to a German university would certainly help me to achieve my goal, because all the universities that I have chosen have institutes of power engineering, thermodynamics and process engineering that take energy efficiency very seriously. By attending to classes or participating on a research project on those institutes I will learn a lot and use that knowledge to further develop the thermal energy industry in my country, which is not very developed.

I am confident that this experience will not only enhance my academic and professional skills, but also help me to expand my horizons and learn from different perspectives. I am committed to making the most of this opportunity to achieve my goals and make a positive impact in my community.