Finished the exam!

Finished the exam!


daily life


I finished all exams for the current term at my university today ✅. I wanted to write my journal every single night, but I chose a time to sleep well than usual. I had 2 courses this term; it was databases and calculus. This term was a little bit busy with my job and 2 major projects have rocket-started, but I enjoyed both of them!

So, I will enjoy time practicing the language, watching movies, singing, hanging out, etc. Also, today, I finally registered event-related language lovers 🌏. I'm very excited to click on the register button, actually. I can't wait for that.

Also, I am excited to take off a mask in Japan finally 🤩. It depends on the situation, though. However, it is a significant change here. I didn't like the mask, so it is excellent news for me.

Anyway, I will enjoy a university holiday week; I have a lot of jobs in my workplace, though. And then, I have many business trips abroad next couple of months, so I will have just only one course for my university work; I registered the emotional intelligence!

What activity do you like during your free time?


Headline image by sharonmccutcheon on Unsplash