Test Driving

Test Driving


daily life

Test driving is always fun!

My husband has been thinking he might need to replace the car for a while, but he didn't decide whether it is a good thing. I suggested that it's time to try to purchase the next vehicle if you finally found the preferred one because my husband and I love classic European cars, so if we missed the timing, we might not be able to find it again in the future.

Last week, we just asked for brief information about the car my husband found, and we didn't drive it because he still needed to consider more. After one week, he decided to ask for a test drive. Finally, we could drive our future car today, and we checked so many details about mechanical stuff, repair cost, weak point, total fee, imperative pre-maintenance, and so on. It was really prolific information for us. And, he decided to buy this fantastic car Citroen "Berlingo," which is a 2000's model. I am also so hyped now! The most significant point that we decided to buy from this used car dealer is that they always do not add up to us and are very kind. In particular, they love classic European cars very much! We purchased my current vehicle Fiat Panda 1997 model, from them as well. Our relationship has been keeping well for 10 years around. So, we were happy to stay in this relationship long when we decided to purchase this Citroen today! Anyway, we can't wait for the day that we receive it after full maintenance.

Which type of car do you like? Supercar? Hybrid? Or a new technology car?


Headline image by hiddevanesch on Unsplash