What prevents us from being creative?

What prevents us from being creative?


language learning

Igor Alexiéevich Ievin said that the human action to create something new only occurs when the brain is in an unstable and critic state, which start the ingenious sparks. However, others can generate ideas in a relaxed environment. The first step to harness our creativity condition is knowing our ideal scenario to bring new ideas. Then, we need to recognise what are our mental blocks.

Mental blocks could be world perceptions, cultural aspects, feelings, environmental factors, communicational barriers. The most common could be the resistance to change. We tend to keep away from anything that means move from our comfort zone or modifies our status quo. Another creativity block is our fear to make mistakes because we don't like to fail. It seems we forget that the way to our success is full of our failures. The creativity process needs to take risks, be original. Otherwise, we always copy of another's success.