Why Fast Food is Bad for you

Why Fast Food is Bad for you



I believed all of us used to eat fast food throughout our life. It is either we love to eat the fast food or decide to ditch it once we have tried for the first time. Fast food are common known as food that contain lots of cholesterol and high calories. Normally, it is being served fast in a restaurant so the customer can have their meal as quick as possible. nowadays, people are busy with their work. People who have tight work schedule often has less choice of eating habit. They need to eat quick meals like ready-to-eat foods. They rarely tohae proper meal in their daily life. Therefore, fast food is one option available. When this happen, they tend to eat the fast food without controlling their healthy food intake. This is dangerous as it will increase the risk to have diabetes mellitus, heart attck and obesity among these group. More unfortunate when they have kids, they will influence the kids food consume. At their young age, they already have potential to have mild obesity. it will leads them an unhealthy lifestyles.