My Work Journey

My Work Journey


I’ve received a lot of invitations to interview in English in order to prepare myself for it. I just made a script and I’d like to know my language mistakes here.

Script Resume!

Since my childhood I was in love with technology, I began working with computers maintenance and as soon in 2010 more less. I began my college course about Information Systems as I kept learning programming languages. At first I learned PHP and that enabled me to learn other technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap among others. I've developed a lot of websites back then.

However in 2016 when I was already to begin my postgraduate studies I was through other backend languages and, in turn, I chose Python and Ruby, but in this case I kept learning Python because it had given me a lot of opportunities like data science and web development.

With Python I was able to build and rebuild a bunch of systems, and work with amazing guys from which I learned a lot.

In my best opportunity I worked in a agritech team and there we were be able to build a entire microservices system to hold a company process, the first one was a system to download images from satellite and using event-driven with kafka we created topics to give information about images that has been processed, in this entire microservices we build 10 systems to keep the front end and of course our final customer a view about how was their harvest, a main point here, after build it we save more money because before to run entire process a lot of pods on AWS was created to keep up this business and now just one and as demand was necessary.

In one of my last jobs the main goal was to automatize the payment process for our sellers, because the actual process was manual and this was an amazing journey. I learned a lot with the team and we delivered a system that the owners were very happy with, but a lay-off stopped the dream to continue there.

And not less important in the last one I worked with Ruby and there the work was a bite different, but I was a support man, keep the system up and creating little features, but unfortunately the team hasn’t synergy with me and I decided to leave and enjoy my time to keep up with my studies and a free time to think about new opportunities.

Headline image by ffstop on Unsplash