Two questions

Two questions


daily life

What is the difference between living and existing?

When you are living, you really enjoy your life. Do your work happily. You do activities you enjoy. You have a motivation to stand up form your bed and you wanto to be better everyday.

You have goals and are a little bit ambicious. You take your time to taste your food. You want to be healthier. You feel that spark of hope everyday even in a bad day.

Maybe you are not a dancer, but you celebrate that you are alive doing something good for you.

When you just exist, your life feels boring. Everyday is the same. There is not motivation and you do the same things with no progressing. The days are passing but you are in the same place, without aspiration. I think is a sad way of living.

What has life taught you recently?

I learned I don't have to decide based in other people. I'll explain this:

I wanted to take an advanced course of my career. I had to choose between two options. I was interested on the first one, I felt exited everytime I was thinking about that. I liked the topis but I chose the other because I didn't want to be alone.

A friend asked me to enroll to the second course because with the money gained of it, will be use for her investigation proyect.

Also, my bestfriend decide to enroll on the first course so I stupidly enrolled to that course too.

I regret for my decision, because my parents paid a lot of money for my course. Of course, the first one has interesting topics but maybe I would be happier on the one I thought to go. Now I have problems with my bestfriend and I feel more stupid beccause I am afraid to be alone, but actually I am alone.

I don't feel supported and this feelings of empyness makes me feel ansious. BIG MISTAKE!