Jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne

Jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne


language learning

Ok, I know this title is in German, but I love this quote. (It is by Hermann Hesse, by the way, who is an amazing German-Swiss author and poet. So, if you want to read German literature I can highly recommend reading his works, though they might be a little difficult for beginners). The quote means something like: There is magic in every beginning. (But written in a way more aesthetical and poetical way than this translation of mine :D).

Anyways, here I am, writing my first ever post on Journaly. In English, because that's more of a comfort zone for me. It's a challenge for me to publish posts on a platform like this where I don't know who might read my posts. For me writing and publishing in English is more of a "toe in the water"- kind of feeling . So I can first experience how that feels and then later I can dive head first into it (that means writing in French, Russian or Dutch).

So, yes, even though it feels very strange and unfamiliar to do something new, every beginning is also a chance and a possibility to learn something new and grow. And I hope that Journaly might be this opportunity for me to grow in my languages and also my personality.

So, let the magic begin.