테스트 문장 1 (Test sentences 1)

테스트 문장 1 (Test sentences 1)


language learning

I tried writing some test sentences in Korean (for practising grammar points I'm learning) and would be grateful for any feedback! 감사합니다 :)

1. 공책에 연필으로 쓰지 않는데 펜으로 써요

(I don't use a pencil in my notebook, but I use a pen)

2. 집 근처에 슈퍼이 있는데 버스로 아직 타야 해요

(There's a supermarket near my house, but I still have to take the bus)

3. 집 근처에 무엇이 있어요?

집 근처에 예쁜 공원이 있고 그 공원에서 산책 하러 좋아해요

(What's near your house?

There's a pretty park near my house and I like to walk there)

Headline image by craftedbygc on Unsplash